Fine art original oil painting on a stretched cotton canvas, created using a knife. There's a very high level of fine detail in this carefully composed, contemporary but photo-realistic painting. The ballerina model is simply beautiful. It's a powerful, dramatic and emotional composition, with a hint of discrete sensuality. She's oblivious to the viewer and proud of her physique.
Freedom - We all need and value it so much...
Freedom - Of lifestyle, choice and activities...
Freedom - To act, speak, or think as we want...
Freedom - The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved...
Freedom - Having lived in Saudi Arabia, I realise the importance of it...
Freedom - Is beautiful, attractive and captivating, yet flighty...
Freedom - Realise it, respect it, and give it!
I also quite like what George Michael had to say:
I don't belong to you
And you don't belong to me
Oil Painting on stretched canvas. Painted entirely by knife.