Unlike many other galleries the R Young art gallery is one that not only sells paintings and prints, the R Young gallery offers multiple services that you can rarely find in one place such as scanning original works , making prints, dry mounting, hand embellishments , frame creation, restoration and framing almost everything!, for which we offer multiple different glass types suited for your prints and framing
These are some images of the services that we offer, including dry mounting, frame work and printing:
dry mounting &canvas stretching: Framing anything; ballet slippers:
We also have our very own frame center and dry mounting press in holme grange craft village so we can do all of our own orders and frame crafting. We have a unit that is not only a workshop for framing and mounting but also as a place to sell prints, glass work, and original paintings.

In the gallery there are also features and paintings from young up and coming artist as well as more experienced , well known artists. Here are some of our newer artworks and artists in the gallery, by Talia Smith and Lauren Neville
Talia Smith :
Lauren Neville:
Along with the many services that the gallery provides they also host painting classes by local and known artists, events for business', as well as donating to charity through auctions and a donations box for the charity of this year 'The Link Visiting Scheme' which is a charity the helps and provides company for the elderly around wokingham especially during the Christmas holidays. ( click link for more info on the charity!)
here are some images from our painting classes for 'elegance in the rain' by Richard Young:
Another thing that makes us a galley with a difference is that we take on one work experience student a year to offer a student an opportunity to learn the different skills and services that the gallery provides, it is a great experience and chance for a student to learn the ways that galleries work and also the different jobs that can be done to make the gallery run smoothly.
This years work experience student was Chloe from Farnborough Tech:

The final think that makes our gallery different from others, is that we have the smallest kitchen in Wokingham!!